Hello,I have two questions about Microsoft Office 2007 UI and Netadvantage 2007 vol. 3.
Many thanks for any answer.
I believe this question is answered in the Office License FAQ. You still need to obtain your own license since there are parts of the license that the application must enforce/follow.
From this quote on the Microsoft site, am I to infer that if I'm using the Infragistics WPF Ribbon (as apposed to the Microsoft WPF Ribbon), it is Infragistics, not its customers, which need to be licensed?
"For software vendors who wish to incorporate the 2007 Microsoft Office User Interface into their own products or for component vendors who wish to build Office UI components for use by other software vendors, we are offering a royalty-free license to use the Office UI subject to very few restrictions."
Hi MR,
please have look at this link regarding your office 2007 ui licence question:
Ok, in the meantime I made some tests about the second issue trying to deploy the "Ribbon With Formatted Text Editor VB" example included in the SDK. I simply deployed the Infragistics assemblies as always and everything worked right.
Still remain the doubt about the license disclaimer. I hope that someone, in Infragistics, kindly will answer to my question.