I've got a grid with about 100,000 rows. When the user clicks the column header, the grid sorts perfectly. How can I put up the waitcursor while the grid is performing it's sort operation? I've tried to use the beforesortchange and aftersortchange events, but this doesn't seem to work. The users don't think anything is happening, so they continue to click the header.
Thank you.
The grid sorting is performed asynchronously so as not to lock up the UI. So this is why the AfterSortChanged event fires before the sorting is actually complete.
The only way to effective show a wait cursor would be to force the sorting to be done synchronously. This, of course, would lock up the UI while the sorting takes place. So it's a trade-off. But if that's what you want to do, you just have to set the ProcessMode inside the BeforeSortChange event to Synchronous.