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VisualStudio2005ToolBoxStyle - Dynamically Set Group Height

Hello Team,

I am using ultrawin Explorer bar with  style 'VisualStudio2005ToolBoxStyle', but the group dosen't seem to adjust the heights of the groups.

Please find atttached the screen shot. I have added two groups, when i collapse the 1st group the 2nd group box moves up and at leaves the blank space. I don't want the blank space to show up, the container should dock it accordingly.

Is there any way to set some property for this at design time. I dont want to use this 'UltraExplorerBar.GroupSettings.ContainerHeight' at run time as I dont know the height, and if we do it than we wil have to handle the same in the form resize event also.

Please can you tell me a work around for this.


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  • 69832
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    If I understood this correctly, you are expecting the last group's container to fill the space between the last group's header and the bottom edge of the control, but it does not work that way. The height of the container for all groups is dictated solely by the ContainerHeight property. If you like you can submit a feature request for the ability to have the last group fill the remaining space.

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