I have a class derived from BindingList<type> that is bound to the grid...
One of the properties of the <type> is AddressType....which is an enum...Physical, Billing, Residential, Mailing etc
How can I make the cells that show theAddressType display a value list (drop down)...showing the available choices such as Physical, Billing etc
col.Style = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.DropDownList
How do I make the cell non editable other than through the choice of a list item?
In other words No typing of values....just picking from list
list = grid.DisplayLayout.ValueLists["AddressType"]; col = grid.DisplayLayout.Bands["Addresses"].Columns["AddressType"]; col.Header.Caption = "Address Type"; col.ValueList = list;
var list = ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.ValueLists.Add();
ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Columns[yourColumnNameOrIndex].ValueList = list;