I have an UltraDropDown bound to an UltraDataGrid. I would like to have the UltraDropDown text set to a fixed length and then have the text wrap when the text is too long. If this were an UltraDataGrid column I know I can set CellMultiLine = true and then set the Band.Override.RowSizing = AutoFixed.
The UltraDropDown does not have the "RowSizing" property and the CellMultiLine setting by itself does not display wrapped text. How can I make this work without explicitly setting the cell height?
The UltraDropDown does have a RowSizing property. It has to, because it uses the same DisplayLayout and the same Override object the grid uses.
It looks like this property is simply hidden from the designer. Which is weird, because RowSizingArea is displayed, but RowSizing isn't. That's probably a mistake.
Anyway, the property is there and you can set it at run-time.
private void ultraDropDown1_InitializeLayout_1(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeLayoutEventArgs e) { e.Layout.Override.RowSizing = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.RowSizing.AutoFree; }
If that does not work, then another option would be to handle the InitializeRow event and call PerformAutoSize on the row.