i have an query about Ultradayview control,
Please have a look on this scenario
1. I have called AfterTimeSlotSelectionChanged event of ultradayview
2. Then clear ultracalenderinfo using ultracalenderinfo.Owners.Clear();
3. Then In loop I add owners and set appointment if this available in database.
‘AfterTimeSlotSelectionChanged’ event fire appointment get displayed but when I click or change selectionchanged event, selection focus get disappear.
I want keep stable focus event on current selected timeslot.
Thanks in advance
Thanks a lot Brian for your response
You would have to cache the start and end times of the time slot selection, then re-apply that range after clearing the Owners collection. You can get the range from the UltraDayView.SelectedTimeSlotRange property, and set it using the UltraDayView.SelectedTimeSlotRange.SetRange method.