Using the UltraComboEditor as an Embeddable editor and setting the Column EditorControl. The MaxDropDownItems property in the UltraComboEdtior when set, to another value shows up in the Column Editor property, but the EditorResolved control (EditorWithCombo) does not have this property and the resulting drop down list is 8 items (the default).
Is there a way to change the number of drop down items for an EditorWithCombo or with an UltraComboEditor that resolves as one?
Just to clarify, when you want to change properties of an editor that is provided to the UltraTree/UltraGrid via a control like UltraComboEditor, you change the property on the control that you assign to the EditorControl property, and the embedded editor picks up that setting, unless the same property is exposed by the hosting control (UltraTree/UltraGrid), in which case that property takes precedence.
The way you did it goes around this convention, but is not any less robust, the results are equivalent.
Never mind. ValueList.MaxDropDownItems worked fine.