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Why does the moving of columns to new groups change the selection behavior?
Hello. In a Windows Form I have an UltraGrid which has 4 columns, one bound and 3 unbound, in a group, all created in the Designer. I perform the following steps: 1. select the cell (2, 1). 2. make a block selection using the Shift key (held down) to the cell (3, 0), also selecting this way the cells (2, 0) and (3, 1). 3. add another block selection using both the Shift and Ctrl keys to the cell (1, 2) therefore adding the cells (1, 1), (1, 2) and (2,2) to the previously selected cells. This is what I call the normal behavior. Next I add a method to my class, AddGroupsAndColumns, which does what it says: adds two groups to the only band of the UltraGrid, Group1 and Group2, and then it rearranges the columns created at design time to the newly created groups. This is where the fun part appears. The third step is a little bit different: aside from adding the three new cells specified before, the cell (2, 0) is deselected, as one can see in the image 3rdStep - Shift+Ctrl - NewGroups.jpg. I don't understand why this happens ... Digging some more I noticed that creating the groups has no impact. This strange behavior appears only after the columns are moved to another group. But not any move makes the UltraGrid act like this, only some of them. I don't know which ones exactly are the culprits ... Anyway, is this the normal behavior? What is the reason for the UltraGrid to behave like this? I am looking forward to your replies. Thank you. Daniel.
  • 469350
    Offline posted

    Hi Daniel, 

    It's a little hard to follow what's happening here. I recommend that you create a small sample project and Submit an incident to Infragistics Developer Support with step-by-step instructions on how to duplicate the behavior you are getting. They should be able to either explain why this is happening or get it fixed, if it is incorrect. :)

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