I have a UltraWinExplorerBar that has several groups and each group has an associated TreeView. When my form renders the TreeView in the Groups, the TreeView does not stretch to fill out the rest of the space available. There is significant gray space to the right and bottom. I've tried AutoSize and manually setting the Size of the Container and the TreeView Control. Is there some setting that I have over looked?
Thanks in advance,
Hi, Brian!
Does UltraTree not provide any support for autosizing still?
I have an UltraTree filled with simple string nodes and I want to make it autosizeable with min/max size. Is it still not possible?
Thanks in advance!
No, UltraTree does not provide any support for auto-sizing itself. If you like you can submit a feature request.
I have docked (as Fill) an UltraTree in a control container within an explorerbar group. Is there any possibility that the control container resizes itself according to the number of visible nodes in UltraTree?
Actually I want to prevent scrolling in the control container. When the ultratree is populated at runtime, the control container should not have any scrollbar in it, instead it resizes itself in order to adjust its height with UltraTree .
Similarly, when any node in ultra tree is expanded or collapsed, the controlContainer resizes itself rather than a scrollbar is displayed in it.
Inshort, I want to keep the size of ultraTree and the controlcontainer equal without any scrolling.
Any suggestions??
-Nazish Kanwal
You should set the Dock property to 'Fill' on treeControl if you want it to fill the entire container.
Here's the code that does the work...
Friend Sub buildBarGroupControl(ByVal app As SecI.App, ByRef barControl As UltraWinExplorerBar.UltraExplorerBar, ByRef treeControl As UltraWinTree.UltraTree) If (treeControl.Nodes.Count > 0) Then Dim grp As New UltraWinExplorerBar.UltraExplorerBarGroup() treeControl.Visible = True grp.Text = app.Label grp.Settings.Style = UltraWinExplorerBar.GroupStyle.ControlContainer Dim treeContainerControl As New UltraWinExplorerBar.UltraExplorerBarContainerControl() treeContainerControl.Controls.Add(treeControl) barControl.Controls.Add(treeContainerControl) grp.Container = treeContainerControl grp.Container.AutoSize = True treeControl.Size = grp.Container.Size treeControl.Height = grp.Container.Height AddHandler treeControl.AfterActivate, AddressOf navTree_AfterActivate AddHandler treeControl.DoubleClick, AddressOf navTree_DoubleClick AddHandler treeControl.BeforeCollapse, AddressOf navTree_BeforeCollapse AddHandler treeControl.BeforeExpand, AddressOf navTree_BeforeExpand AddHandler treeControl.MouseDown, AddressOf navTree_MouseDown treeControl.Override.Sort = SortType.Ascending treeControl.RefreshSort() grp.Expanded = False grp.Expanded = False barControl.Groups.Add(grp) End If End Sub