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Store Extended Appointment Info into database


I'm using the extendedAppointmentInfo to set and get the custom field I create outlook 2003 dialog. After get the appointment info then i assign it to the appointment tag. I create new appointment and i enter the value into the custom field i create. I can view back the value when i double click the appointment again, but after  i close the program and i debug again, the value in my custom field is disappear already. May I know why??

Is it the appointment tag does not save, so when we debug our program again the value disappear??

So what can we do if we want the value we enter still remain there?

Can provide me any solution or example??

Does the field i create store into the all properties field?? If got, how I extract it out??

Thanks for help!!




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  • 69832
    Offline posted

    Depending on the contents of the AppointmentExtendedInfo class, you might have to add the [Serializable()] attribute to the class; the class as it appears in that sample only contains properties with native data types, but if you add value to it you might have to mark it serializable, as well as implement any necessary serialization support for your custom data types.

    The Tag property is serialized into the byte stream along with the rest of the appointment data when you bind to the AllProperties field. When you deserialize the data, then get a reference to the appointment, the Tag property will contain an AppointmentExtendedInfo instance, which you can upcast to that type.

    AppointmentExtendedInfo info = appointment.Tag as AppointmentExtendedInfo;

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