Hello,Is there a way to raise the event CellDataRequested for UltraDataSource without the use of an UltraGrid with the property LoadStyle set to LoadOnDemand ?Ex: When I access a cell in an UltraDataRow through udr["columnname"] I would like to raise the related CellDataRequested event where I will handle the data request myself (querying an another ultradatasource in order to perform ultradatasource aggregation).It seems to be working when the ultradatasource is bound to an ultrawingrid with the LoadOnDemand enabled but in my case, I am using the UtraDataSource as a dataset which will never be bound to a grid.Regards,
The event CellDataRequested will only be raised when you bind UltraDataSource to a databound control, such as UltraGrid. It is not possible to raise the event programmatically.
My advice is to use another UltraGrid control bound to the respective UltraDataSource and set its Visible property to False after that (so that it does not appear on the form) -- this way the event will be called for each cell and there will not be a visible grid on the screen.
Hope this helps.
There's a GetCellValue method on the UltraDataRow which has a fireCellDataRequested parameter. So you can use this to get the value and force the event to fire.