I have multiple win charts whoes Y axis is formated to a financial pounds and pence using
chart..Axis.Y.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<DATA_VALUE:#,###>"
however i want to be able to insert into that format the currency symbol that is appropriatefor the user. we store their currency details but i am unsure how to insert the CurrencySymbol.
Any help will be greatly appreciated. as i have been banging my head of this for some time.
However it doesnt work my solution is to define a variable on a base clase that all charts inherit from of _cInfo (currency info). on instantiation of the base class i assign the _cInfo var the currency symbol that my app is currently using and then in windows generated code i apply
Me.chart.Axis.Y.Labels.ItemFormatString = "<DATA_VALUE:" & _CInfo & "#,###>"
The only problem with this is that the forms dont display in designer as they have properties that havent been set yet.
Hope that helps some one
that is a much tidier solution to the one i came up with. Thanks
"<DATA_VALUE:c>" works too and should use the current culture's currency symbol.
So in code if this was supposed to use a pound symbol you would set it to "<DATA_VALUE:" & "£" & "#,###>"
replace the currency symbol from anywhere... check the current thread's culture, check the user's currency details to retrieve the symbol...