Is there a way to force the summary row to display the first column left justified and the rest of the columns right justified. At present i have set the first col of the grid to be left justified and the summary row to be right justified. these two settings do not co exist happily as all data in the summary row is right justified.
Style.TextHAlignAsString = "Right"
grid.DisplayLayout.Override.SummaryFooterCaptionAppearance = Style
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The following code checks the column header for specific text in this case "column1" and sets the alignment acordinly..
Protected Sub SetSummariesAlignment(ByVal summaries As SummarySettingsCollection) For Each summary As SummarySettings In summaries If IsDataColumn(summary.SourceColumn.Key) = False Then summary.Appearance.TextHAlign = Infragistics.Win.HAlign.Left End If Next End Sub Protected Shared Function IsDataColumn(ByVal columnKey As String) As Boolean columnKey = columnKey.ToLower If columnKey.Contains("column1") Then Return False Else Return True End If End Function