Having some troubles.
I have 2 columns that I am saying hidden = false, but one of them stays hidden.
I set the SetVisiblePosition (4,True) also. But the columns stays hidden . I set the width also to 72
Is there any ideas I can try to get this column back. I have removed it and readded the column from the designer to see if that would help, it didn't.
How is the column hidden in the first place?
If you are setting Hidden to false and the column still doesn't show up, then it seems to me that something else must be re-hiding the column after you set hidden to false. Maybe you are loading a layout in your grid and the layout has the column hidden. Or maybe your code is setting Hidden to true on the column somewhere after you set it to false.
It seems my frustrations were tracked back to rowlayout (bands(0).userowlayout = true or false.
After resetting the grid, the rowlayout was getting lost somehow, and in order fo fix this I saved the rowlayout on load, and during the reset (near the last part) I load the rowlayout again.
So the column was possibly set to visible, but not show due to layout problems. I couldn't figure out the specifics, but saving and recovering the layout has essentially solved the issue.