I have a composite data chart see below
the problem that i am having is that the column data is not displaying in alternate colours for each month. The data that the compisite chart is displaying is this year and last year data.The legends are bound to the line data. the colour model is custom linear and i have a custom pallet of
chart.ColorModel.CustomPalette = New Color() {Color.CornflowerBlue, Color.LightGreen}
All help is appreciated as this has been driving me nuts for a while now.
I would suggest using a CustomSkin color model. Define 2 colors and set ApplyRowWise to true or false, depending on how you've data bound your chart.
myChart.ColorModel.ModelStyle =
ColorModels.CustomSkin;myChart.ColorModel.Skin.PEs.Add(new PaintElement(Color.Blue));myChart.ColorModel.Skin.PEs.Add(new PaintElement(Color.Green));myChart.ColorModel.Skin.ApplyRowWise = true; (or false)
It took a bit of tweaking my code but your solution was spot on..
Cheers mate