I want to make ultraTree node that has some root node and one of them has child node.
For that display, I want to display end of tree that has child
- Atree
- Ctree
- Dtree
- Btree
- AChild
- BChild
Normal ultre tree display like
Can I off sorting in tree or make end tree for specific node?
To me, It's not good to sorting off for all node under tree.
So, I make tree sorting on in designer, add child nodes(Atree,Ctree, Dtree) and at runtime, sorting off and add 'Btree'
I think it's enough right now.
If you know other way, let me know.
I'm not certain that I followed this, but you can set the Override.SortType property on the control, a particular level, a particular Nodes collection. If you want to switch off sorting for the 'Btree' node's child nodes collection, you could set UltraTree.Nodes["Btree"].Nodes.Override.SortType property to 'None'.