Hey guys!
First off, thanks for your help in the past! Your info is always very enlightening.
I've attached an image that shows/explains what I am trying to do. Basically I want to add a button (ButtonsLeft.Add) left of a dropdownlist, but ONLY there, in one cell, in one row. Right now, the button gets added to every row in the band. (as you can see)
I'm thinking I need to draw everything on the cell. Kinda scary.
In addition, I had some other image-related questions... see attached.
UltraGridCell exposes Editor/EditorControl properties, so you can specify a different editor for a given cell, and populate the ButtonsLeft or ButtonsRight collection of that editor.
Regarding the image appearing in the list but not the edit portion: The ValueList class, which is what is responsible for showing the dropdown, does not support displaying the image in the list but not the edit portion. You can enter a feature request for this functionality if you like.