Is it possible to navigate a Web-Brower-Control with th UltraNavigationBar. It seems to be
impossible to set an url at the RootLocation.DisplayText.It say's "the path .. could not bee succesfully parsed
urit said:I copy and paste just a url from an Webbrowser (the url is something like eBay).
urit said:What I want to do is to navigate for-/back in the webbrowsercontrol whith the urls stored in the navbar (History).
It's maybe my fault because of what i try to do with the navigationbar. So there is not really a lot of code.
What i try to do is: Navigate a integrated webbrowsercontrol through the urls which i try to get from thenavbar. So - for a test - I copy and paste just a url from an Webbrowser (the url is something like eBay).
Then i receive the Message ...
What I want to do is to navigate for-/back in the webbrowsercontrol whith the urls stored in the navbar (History).
It would be helpful if you posted the code that is causing the error so we can advise on how to avoid it. The message you quoted here is displayed when the NavigateTo method fails, and when an edit mode session ends and the result was not parsable.
I'm not sure what relevance the DisplayText property has here, but yes, you should be able to use the control to process URLs. UltraNavigationBar has no awareness of what its locations are being used for, but the public object model should provide the support needed to turn the SelectedLocation into a URL, which you would then assign to the WebBrowser control's Url property.