I would like to color one data point in chart with different colour than other points. How I can do it?
I have code like this:
xDataPointLayout.xNumericTimeSerie.Points[k].PE = new PaintElement(Color.Red); xDataPointLayout.xNumericTimeSerie.Points[k].PE.Fill = Color.Red;
but all data point are same coloured in serie.
Is there some properties, that I should take into account?
Chart is compositechart with chartLayerAppearance.
that works with most Chart Types. what Chart Type is the chart layer that's plotting that datapoint?
Chart type is scatterchart.
PointSets in a ScatterChart are all forced to use the same PaintElement/Brush. in order to color an individual point, you must handle the FillSceneGraph event, loop through e.SceneGraph, find all the PointSets therein, go to the point you want to color, and add a Symbol primitive to the SceneGraph at that same location.
Symbol primitives are just like the points in a PointSet, except they can be independently styled.
Hi David,
Can you please share some code snippets for the above problem.
I am not sure which property to use to color the points
private void ultraChart1_FillSceneGraph(object sender, FillSceneGraphEventArgs e) { PrimitiveCollection primitivesToAdd = new PrimitiveCollection(); foreach (Primitive p in e.SceneGraph) { PointSet pS = p as PointSet; if (pS != null) { foreach (DataPoint dP in pS.points) { if (dP.DataPoint.PE.ElementType != PaintElementType.None) { Symbol symbolOverlay = new Symbol(dP.point, pS.icon, pS.iconSize); symbolOverlay.PE = dP.DataPoint.PE; primitivesToAdd.Add(symbolOverlay); } } } } e.SceneGraph.AddRange(primitivesToAdd.ToArray()); }