Wanted to know is there any feature to draw inverse chart just by setting any property
( say.... myUltraChart.PlotInverse = true....and then plot).
To be clear what i mean inverse chart is a chart which should look exactly
as Quadrant - 4 in cartesian co-ordinate system. The minimum value of Y axis has to start
from the new origin ( intersection of X2 and Y axes) and the maximum number at the other side of
the Y axis. It should not show any negative signs either in Y - axis labels or in toolstips .
Else I need to set X2 visible true, X visible false....and negate the data for Y axis.....customize
the toolTipsFormatString to display negative data as positive
sorry, there is no such feature of the chart. the only way to fulfill these requirements is, as you said, to show the X2 axis, and then modify the data so that it contains positive values.
Thanks David.
This was very tricky process...driving me unstable..and the logic as well seems no smooth...
Is there any better work around....that you can suggest
alternatively, you could handle the FillSceneGraph event and manipulate the points in the Polyline. but i think this will be even more complex.
Hi David,
Is there any way to shift the origin from left bottom to top left?
I am looking this without any manipulation on the chart data
Thanks in advance
unfortunately, the only good way to do this is to manipulate the chart data.