I have a baseclass view which has a ultragrid and am deriving a child class from baseclass.
so my childclassview also has the ultragrid. And this ultragrid is only having one band . we are not creating any bands in the child class. This Ultragrid is bound to a datatable on run time.
For some reason, when I stop the program, the childclass designer always creates a new band. am wondering is this is a bug or is there any other property to turn off creating bands automatically.
Also because of this am having problem in displaying error icons in the cell on validation. I have set SupportDataErrorInfo = RowsAndCells , DataErrorCellAppearance and DataErrorRowAppearance properties. But for some reason the icon is not showing up and also the error message. Is it because of band problem.. Appreciate a reply in this regard. Thanks!!
It's impossible to say without knowing exactly what your code is doing. But the Form Designer in Visual Studio often has problems with serialization, especially when dealing with collection properties, so perhaps the Bands collection is getting corrupted here.
If you are going to derive from a WinGrid or a form containing the grid, I would recommend that you do not change properties on the grid in the form designer, but rather do what you need in the code.
Thanks for your reply.
Is there a way to prevent corruption of bands collection ...
some times after opening ultragriddesigner window and on clicking bands, the window will close by itself.
It depends why it's being corrupted. I really can't guess without knowing exactly what's happening. But as I said, it's a good idea to do everything in code, rather than using the Form Designer - especially if you intend to modify controls that have collection properties.