Hi I have a grid showing records in parent - child relationship manner. Whenever a row in bands(0) contains child rows in bands(1) the next immediate row in bands(0) again displaying the column header. I have highlighted the unwanted columns that are repeating everytime. I want only one header columns for the entire grid.
also whenever I resize the columns in bands(0) it should automatically resize in bands(1) columns too.
Any help on this please?
You can change how often the grid displays the headers through the HeaderPlacement property:
this.ultraGrid1.DisplayLayout.Override.HeaderPlacement = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.HeaderPlacement.OncePerRowIsland;
As for the issue with resizing the child band's columns, this should be occurring by default. If it's not, you could check the AllowColSizing property on the Override object and ensure that it's set to Synchronized.