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UltraCombo 9.1 bound to collection hangs second time I open form

I have 5 ultra combos on the form bound to object collections that are initialized before the form is open and remain after the form is closed.

The first 3 work ok, but if I bind the last two, the form will hang the second time I open it.  I think it's something specific to what I am binding to but I can't figure out what.  If I change these two items to bind to the regular .net combo, it all works fine.

When it hangs,  If I try to break into the debugger, I just get:

 [In a sleep, wait, or join] 
> mscorlib.dll!System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitAny(System.Threading.WaitHandle[] waitHandles, int millisecondsTimeout, bool exitContext) + 0x8f bytes 
  System.dll!System.Net.TimerThread.ThreadProc() + 0x2f9 bytes 
  mscorlib.dll!System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(object state) + 0x66 bytes 
  mscorlib.dll!System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(System.Threading.ExecutionContext executionContext, System.Threading.ContextCallback callback, object state) + 0x6f bytes 
  mscorlib.dll!System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() + 0x44 bytes

  • 469350
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    You might want to check out the WinGrid Performance Guide and take a look at the section on recursive data sources and MaxBandDepth for more information.


  • 820
    Suggested Answer

    After some more digging I found the problem. These lines were in the working controls but not the ones that crashed. Added them and the freezing stopped. I think something about the child objects was causing it to go haywire on the second load.






    this.taskStatusGuidUltraCombo.DisplayLayout.MaxBandDepth = 1;



    this.taskStatusGuidUltraCombo.DisplayLayout.Override.BorderStyleRow = Infragistics.Win.UIElementBorderStyle.None;



    this.taskStatusGuidUltraCombo.DisplayLayout.ViewStyle = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ViewStyle.SingleBand;



    this.taskStatusGuidUltraCombo.LimitToList = true;