I can't seem to find a way to set the minimum column width for all columns. For rows there is a MinRowHeight property on the override but there is no complementary MinColumnWidth.
Although there is a MinWidth on the individual columns, to use this means I have to iterate over all of the columns in initializelayout to set it. However I also want it to apply to any new columns that get added so I must also register for the ListChanged events on the data source (and ensure I get the events after the grid...)
A simple MinColumnWidth on the override would solve this and allow me to easily apply it at the layout or band level. Is there a reason why this isn't provided or has it just not been considered before? Or am I missing something obvious?
Hi Martin,
You're not missing anything, there's no MinWidth for columns except on each individual column. I guess for rows, it makes sense to have this property on a high level since all rows in the band are essentially the same.
But all columns are (usually) different and I guess it just never came up before now.
You should Submit a feature request to Infragistics.
In the mean time, you could handle the BeforeColPosChanged event and cancel the event if the user tries to size a column too small. It's not an ideal solution, since it won't stop the drag indicator from moving smaller, but it should work.