I am trying to use an UltraMaskedEditor for the entry of time. I would like the display to represent hh:mm AM but when saved to the database I want hhmma. I have tried various combinations but it appears that if setting the EditAs to Time that the date will always be included when saved to the database.
The closest I have come is setting the EditAs to "UseSpecifiedMask" and the InputMask to "{Time}" with the DataMode set a "Raw" and the DisplayMode set to "IncludeBoth". This will result in the dispay being as I wish but what is saved to the database is hhmmAM.
I tried another option with the EditAs to "UseSpecifiedMask" and the InputMask to "##:##&\m". With the DataMode set to "Raw" and DisplayMode set to "IncludeBoth" I get the desired display and data but the user can enter an invalid time.
Is there anyway to get what I am looking for?
Display time as 08:00 AM but saved as 0800a
Display time as 12:30 PM but saved as 1230p
Thanks for the response.
rblanchard said:I have tried various combinations but it appears that if setting the EditAs to Time that the date will always be included when saved to the database.