If I combine...1) grid.DisplayLayout.Bands[0].Column["Country"].EditorControl = comboCountries;with...2) grid.DisplayLayout.Override.AllowAddNew = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.AllowAddNew.TemplateOnTop;should I get a combo in the row at the top of the grid used to enter new data?
I just tested this out and it works fine for me.
Thanks. That gives me the steam I need to keep fumbling with it.
Okay, I see where it breaks down...
I want to set up a grid so that my user can add a new row, but no longer be able to edit its data >after< it's been commited. The property setting that breaks the AddNewTopRow dropDown functionality is:
grid.DisplayLayout.Override.AllowUpdate = Infragistics.Win.DefaultableBoolean.False;
Can you suggest how I might be able to achieve my goal? It'd be awesome if the user could continue to edit any new row before it's commited to the database.
Much thanks,John
Hi John,
Sure, that's easy. Leave AllowUpdate set to the default. Then disable editing of individual rows by handling the InitializeRow event and setting the Activation property on the row. You can check inside the event for IsAddRow and IsTemplateAddRow and if either one is true, enable editing in the row, otherwise, disable it.
Thanks Mike,
Not as cleanly integrated as we hoped for, but it does what is needed.