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Show menu items as text only


on the application menu I added a PopupMenuTool. Now, I want all tools in the popup menu show only the text of the tools, because they don't have images. One can set the style to Text only, but still there is space left to show a image (see my attached image).

Is it possible to show the tools without this space?




  • 5389
    Suggested Answer


    Unfortunately there is currently no way to hide the icon area for PopupMenuTool's Tools when it is in the ApplicationMenu.  If you would like to submit a feature request for this functionality, you can do so here.

    *Edit:* While there is no property to hide the icon area, theoretically using a creation filter to resize the PopupMenuItemUIElement and reposition the TextUIElement should do the trick.  You will also need to adjust the width of the PopupMenuControlUIElement and PopupMenuItemAreaUIElement as well.


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