I have an ultratoolbars manager, and an ultra grid on a form. If the user right clicks near the bottom of the screen, the context menu that opens ends up going past the bottom of the window and under the Windows task bar. The users say this didn't happen before.
Is there any way to get the menu to always display on screen?
What version of NetAdvantage for Windows Forms are you using? I did a quick test to see if I could reproduce this behavior in 9.1 build 1000, but was unable to do so. It's possible that the behavior is different in a different build; please let me know.
Hi Kim,
I believe I'm using the same version; it says 9.1.20091.1000 for the assembly version.
The grid itself is contained in an MDI child window and I'm also using the MDITabbedManager. Please see the attached screenshot, which is on Vista SP1. I circled in red an area where you can see through the Vista Taskbar the Delete menu item, which has a red X icon on the menu (and is blurred due to the Glass effect of Aero).
This also happens on Windows XP SP3.
Hello Andy,
Do you have a sample that reproduces this issue?