There seems to be slight difference in the display style of an AllDayEvent and Appointment in the DayView. The AllDayEvent seems flat and the Appointment seems to be 3D. Is there a way to change the AllDayEvent to look like the Appointment? See screen cap below.
Below is the code I wrote based on your reply. I am passing in the AllDayEvent object as objUIElement and the appointment as objAppointment. It doesn't seem to be working. Any ideas?
Using objNewDayViewUIElement As New
Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.DayView.AppointmentShadowUIElement(objUIElement.Parent, objAppointment, UIElementShadowPosition.BottomAndRightEdge)
'add the custom UIElement to its parent's ChildElements collection...
I believe you are referring to the "shadow" that is applied to the AppointmentUIElement. In MS Outlook 2007, they don't show one for AllDayEvents, so we didn't either. The UIElement class that realizes this shadow is Infragistics.Win.UltraWinSchedule.DayView.AppointmentShadowUIElement; you might have some luck using theIUIElementCreationFilter interface by adding that element to an AllDayEventUIElement, but frankly I have never tried so I can't vouch for whether it can definitely be done.