Hi All,
How can I handle AfterAppointmentsMoved and AfterAppointmentsDeleted in UltraWeekView and in UltraMonthViewSingle controls? These events are missing! Is there an alternative?
Regards Lello
I use the ActivitiesDeleted events in the week and month view. I use the Appointments Resized, Dragging, and DragDrop to see if an appointment has moved.
With the NA 2009.1 volume release, two events, AppointmentsDragging and AppointmentsDragDrop event, were added to the DayView, WeekView, and MonthViewSingle controls. These contain the more information than DayView's existing AfterAppointmentsMoved event, so you can use those to accomplish any of the tasks for which you were previously using AfterAppointmentsMoved.
WeekView and MonthViewSingle do not expose an AfterAppointmentsDeleted event, but UltraCalendarInfo exposes an AfterAppointmentRemoved event, which fires when an Appointment is removed from the collection.