I bind a huge DataTable (about 250,000 datapoints, distributed to 3 series) on an Infragistics UltraChart. Everytime I went over the chart with the mouse cursor, the application hangs up for about 2 seconds. I have no UltraChart events added (which could slow down the UltraChart).
I tried to dissable the tooltips, but that didn't work. What else could I do?
With a DataTable that isn't as huge, everything works fine.
Thanks in advance,
Matthias Kolmer
thank you very much, this solution works fine :)
Hello Matthias,
If you need tour chart to only visualize the data and don't correspond with the user you can set:
ultraChart1.Enabled = false;
otherwise when you hover over the chart a lot of things get loaded and with such a large data table some slowing down is almost inevitable.
Petar Monov
Developer Support Engineer,
Infragistics, Inc