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Supplying default values and validating added rows using binding navigator


I am using UltraGrid with a BindingNavigator.  When adding a new record  with the BindingNavigator AddNewItem button I would like to supply default values to two cell in the new record.  I have gotten this to work by using the AfterCellActivate event,  it works but doesn't seem correct.  I tried to initialize the default values with the grid but this didn't work.

After I edit the new row I want to validate the data when  saving the changes with the BindingNavigator  SaveItem button.  I tried to run my code in the AfterRowInsert and AfterRowUpdate event, but they didn't fire.  I can validate the data in the SaveItem code but unless I move the focus off the last cell in the new record to a different cell in the new record the code that tests the cell see that last value as DBNull. 

Thanks for the Help
