I've just discovered that the array Polyline.Points.Value contains the X,Y real world data point being plotted by a Scatter graph.
I have an attribute of this point that I would like to add to this array so that I can control the appearance of the marker and line segment using the ChartDrawItem event (by modifying the PEs) It would be convienent to be able to use the Value array for this.
How do I populate my attribute values into this array?
there isn't a way prior to databinding. maybe you could use the Row and Column properties of the DataPoint primitive to look the value up in your datasource?
if not, another method could be to use the Series collection as a datasource, and populate an XYSeries with your own custom DataPoint class which derives from XYDataPoint, with an additional property to store your attribute.
I am setting the data up using a Series/DataRow object. That is when I need to pass the attribute to the Chart.
At draw time, I no longer have knowledge of the attribute and cant re-construct the attribute value from the data point. I need to pass the value into the chart when I define the points. So I dont think I know about PolyLines at this point as I havnt actually added the DataRow to the chart.
Is there a way prior to the DataBind?
try using the DataPoint.Tags or Polyline.Tags property, it is a Hashtable meant for just that purpose.