Hello, I am looking for help with WinChart I use with VS2005 in C#.The type of chart I use is a GanttChart. I created DataTable which as a first column gets series name. Everything works fine, but I need one improvement in my app, because now chart displays the data grouped in series, but I cannot see any rule in order of displaying series. So users can see one time 'critical' series in the upper part of chart, another time at the bottom, and they want to see it in specific order: for example - first - critical, then 'normal', then 'can wait'.
Is there any way I can specify the order of displaying series?And if there is no way to do it, also please tell me about that.Thank you in advance for any ideas,Agnieszka
Hi n p,
You could see some samples regarding this in our 'Windows Forms Feature Browser'.
If you have this installed(if you have marked 'Samples' when installing Net Advantage), you could run it from 'Start Menu' -> 'All Programs' -> 'Infragistics' -> 'Windows Forms' -> 'Samples' -> 'Samples (local)'.
When it loads, please navigate to the 'Search:' section and type "'gantt'". You sould see one sample regarding WinChart('Data Visualization' tab = > 'WinChart' => 'Samples Explorer'). This is a very useful and nice sample.
Please feel free to let me know if a question about our tool set comes up on your mind.
Hello, I have the same thing in mind like Sam A. - I wanted fro example yellow parts - critical - always on the top, other on the bottom.Sam answer gave me a hint. I used something very similar. I wanted to stay with one source, I just sorted list of objects like I want, before I added them to ganttrows in loop.Thank you!
Hello Agniezska,
Usually the GanttChart is used for visualizing time spans. Here is a sample GantChart:
As you see the X axis starts with the earliest DateTime value and this is what first came ot my mind as ugrent or critical. Tell me if you have something else in mind.
Petar Monov
Developer Support Engineer,
Infragistics, Inc
The serieses should appear in the order of being added. Here is a code snippet that you can test.
GanttSeries series1 = null; GanttSeries series2 = null; GanttSeries series3 = null;
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.ultraChart1.ChartType = Infragistics.UltraChart.Shared.Styles.ChartType.GanttChart; this.ultraChart1.Axis.Y.Labels.SeriesLabels.Format = AxisSeriesLabelFormat.None;
// ZOOM X axis this.ultraChart1.Axis.X.ScrollScale.Visible = true;
ultraChart1.GanttChart.Columns.SeriesLabelsColumnIndex = 0; ultraChart1.GanttChart.Columns.ItemLabelsColumnIndex = 1; // Start time of the planned task ultraChart1.GanttChart.Columns.StartTimeColumnIndex = 2; // End time of the planned task ultraChart1.GanttChart.Columns.EndTimeColumnIndex = 3; ultraChart1.GanttChart.Columns.IDColumnIndex = 4; // Link a task to another task using column index ultraChart1.GanttChart.Columns.LinkToColumnIndex = 5; ultraChart1.GanttChart.Columns.PercentCompleteColumnIndex = 6; ultraChart1.GanttChart.Columns.OwnerColumnIndex = 7;
GanttDataSource ganttDataSource = new GanttDataSource();
series1 = GetSeries1(); ganttDataSource.Series.Add(series1); series2 = GetSeries2(); ganttDataSource.Series.Add(series2); series3 = GetSeries3(); ganttDataSource.Series.Add(series3);
this.ultraChart1.DataSource = ganttDataSource; this.ultraChart1.Data.DataBind(); }
public GanttSeries GetSeries1() { GanttSeries series1 = new GanttSeries("Series 1"); GanttItem goal1 = series1.Items.Add("Other"); goal1.Times.Add(DateTime.Parse("04/11/2006 11:00 PM"), DateTime.Parse("04/15/2006 08:00 PM")); goal1.Times.Add(DateTime.Parse("04/16/2006 11:00 PM"), DateTime.Parse("04/18/2006 08:00 PM")); goal1.Times.Add(DateTime.Parse("04/18/2006 11:00 PM"), DateTime.Parse("04/21/2006 08:00 PM")); goal1.Times.Add(DateTime.Parse("04/21/2006 11:00 PM"), DateTime.Parse("04/25/2006 08:00 PM")); goal1.Times.Add(DateTime.Parse("04/27/2006 11:00 PM"), DateTime.Parse("04/30/2006 08:00 PM")); goal1.Times.Add(DateTime.Parse("04/30/2006 11:00 PM"), DateTime.Parse("05/03/2006 08:00 PM")); goal1.Times.Add(DateTime.Parse("05/04/2006 11:00 PM"), DateTime.Parse("05/07/2006 08:00 PM")); return series1; }
public GanttSeries GetSeries2() { GanttSeries series2 = new GanttSeries("Series 2"); GanttItem goal2 = series2.Items.Add("Normal"); goal2.Times.Add(DateTime.Parse("04/11/2006 11:00 PM"), DateTime.Parse("04/12/2006 08:00 PM")); goal2.Times.Add(DateTime.Parse("04/13/2006 11:00 PM"), DateTime.Parse("04/15/2006 08:00 PM")); goal2.Times.Add(DateTime.Parse("04/15/2006 11:00 PM"), DateTime.Parse("04/18/2006 08:00 PM")); goal2.Times.Add(DateTime.Parse("04/19/2006 11:00 PM"), DateTime.Parse("04/20/2006 08:00 PM")); goal2.Times.Add(DateTime.Parse("04/21/2006 11:00 PM"), DateTime.Parse("04/25/2006 08:00 PM")); goal2.Times.Add(DateTime.Parse("04/25/2006 11:00 PM"), DateTime.Parse("04/27/2006 08:00 PM")); goal2.Times.Add(DateTime.Parse("04/28/2006 11:00 PM"), DateTime.Parse("05/02/2006 08:00 PM")); return series2; }
public GanttSeries GetSeries3() { GanttSeries series3 = new GanttSeries("Series 3"); GanttItem goal3 = series3.Items.Add("Critical"); goal3.Times.Add(DateTime.Parse("04/11/2006 11:00 PM"), DateTime.Parse("04/13/2006 08:00 PM")); goal3.Times.Add(DateTime.Parse("04/13/2006 11:00 PM"), DateTime.Parse("04/15/2006 08:00 PM")); goal3.Times.Add(DateTime.Parse("04/16/2006 11:00 PM"), DateTime.Parse("04/18/2006 08:00 PM")); goal3.Times.Add(DateTime.Parse("04/19/2006 11:00 PM"), DateTime.Parse("04/21/2006 08:00 PM")); goal3.Times.Add(DateTime.Parse("04/22/2006 11:00 PM"), DateTime.Parse("04/25/2006 08:00 PM")); goal3.Times.Add(DateTime.Parse("04/26/2006 11:00 PM"), DateTime.Parse("04/27/2006 08:00 PM")); goal3.Times.Add(DateTime.Parse("04/28/2006 11:00 PM"), DateTime.Parse("05/01/2006 08:00 PM")); return series3; }