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Getting the "relative" visible position of an UltraGrid Cell

I have an UltraGrid control on a Winforms form.  It is read-only.  I allow the user to move the columns around, and those settings are saved on the FormClosed event to XML (using the SaveAsXML method).

The next time the form is loaded, I load their settings using the LoadFromXML method.  The problem is that I have no way of referring to the first "visible" cell if the user moved cells around.  Since the LoadFromXML method doesn't fire off the AfterColPosChanged event, there is no way of knowing what the first visible column is (since they were "moved" in code via the LoadFromXML method rather than manually by the user).

So, once the form has been loaded (and  the columns "moved" around via the LoadFromXML method in the form's Load event), how can I refer to the first visible column on the grid, like this:

UltraGrid1.ActiveRow(0).Cells(FirstVisibleColumn).selected = True

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