I am currently upgrade Infragistic 8.2 to Infragistic hotfix However, I met some performance issue when I am using Header.VisiblePosition function.
When I looked in to Infragistic.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnHeader.SetVisiblePosition, I found there is a new method in it called RecalculateMetrics which took a lot of time.
Is there a way that I can not using this method when SetVisiblePosition? I found this method will only be executed when hasSuspendedMetricsCalculation flag is false (This flag can be set in ColumnCollection.SuspendMetricsRecalculation). However, since it is a internal method, I can not access.
Could you advise on this? I found the same performance issue with Infragisitc 9.1 as well when setVisiblePosition.
Hi Xin,
The service pack that is displayed and downloadable is always the latest service pack. 2009.1.2029 is the latest service pack for NetAdvantage 9.1 and it will contain the fixes.
Hi Mike,
It seems our Infragistic development team's struggling to find the right version. They said they can not see any patch version for 8.x. For 9.x , they can see 2009.1.2029 is downloadable, but they are not sure whether it is the latest version. Could you advis on this? Is 2009.1.2029 the latest version contains the fixes?
Many Thanks,
I'm not sure what the latest build is. But I'm pretty sure that only the latest service release is available on the web site. My Infragistics Keys and Downloads - Download Anything and Everything You Own
Hi Matt,
Thanks for your reply :)
Can you also tell me the latest build for 9.x (contain both fixed)so that I can ask our Infragistic development team to download it?
My point was that 8.2 build 2168 should include both the ToolbarsManager fix that was introduced in 2121 in addition to the fix to the VisiblePosition property calling RecalculateMetrics, so if you download this build you should have both fixes. If build 2168 does not include the fix that was in 2121, then this is a regression issue and should be reported to Developer Support as such.