I'm using Infragistics 8.1 ultrawinchart.
In my chart I set a multilined text (simply a text containing \n ) to a tooltip label , and it's rendered with center-aligned text. Is it possible to change the text alignment ?
Thx in advance
sorry for my bad english
Probably I did't explain my problem well.
I already use IRenderLabel to customize the text of my toollTip labels;
my problem is that I need to customize the appearance of the tooltip, i.e. align the text on the left.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I guess it's not possible to modify the text alignment of the ultrachart default tooltip.
So I've tried to show an UltraTooltipManager (instead of the default), everytime the mouse hover an item in the chart (handling DataItemHover DataItemOut events)
That worked fine, but spawn an other problem:
without the default tooltip, items aren't highligted anymore when mouse hovering them, so I need to maually highlight them (but how ?)
Is there a better way to solve my problem(s) ?
DataItemHover event may not be the best place to show tooltip, and the tooltip does not have to be turned off in order to show a customized tooltip. You can set the tooltip with a customized string it replaces the default tooltip, so you don't have to set it off.
By the way; in my previous response I mentioned 'page load' - what I mean was 'Form load', Sorry about the confussion.
You may also consider using IrenderLabel interface to customize a lable. Here is the help topic that shows how to implement it.
I will explain better my current approach:
1 - I've set Display prop for UltraChart tooltips to false ( --> no tooltip shown but no highlighting too)
2 - In dataitem over event I show my custom tooltip
3 - In dataitemout event I close my custom tooltip
The only thing that I still need is to highlight datapoint.
You said that I should use page load instead of dataitemover/out, but I can't found that event.... :(
Could you explain me better ?
The customized string for the Tooltip doesn't have to be done in the DataItemOver / DataItemOut, it can be done in the page load, and the data points should be highlighted by default.
I managed to show my tooltip control instead of the ultrachart default one (with the DataItemOver DataItemOut events) but I still have a problem.
With the default tooltip, the dataitems in the chart were highlighted automatically on mouse over.
I've seen there's a method Highlight in the datapoint, but I wasn't able to use it.
Could you help me ?