I am using a UltraGrid to which i have binded a class object derived from IBindingList.
I am copying the whole row for pasting it.
Issue is when i am using "ultraGrid1.PerformAction(UltraGridAction.Copy);" , I am getting the following error
Error performing copy operation: Requested Clipboard operation did not succeed
How can i figure out where is the problem lies.
One more question: If we copy paste the ultragrid row will it automatically update the binded object.
Please help!!!
Hi Sanjiv,
sanjiv_aneja said: Issue is when i am using "ultraGrid1.PerformAction(UltraGridAction.Copy);" , I am getting the following error Error performing copy operation: Requested Clipboard operation did not succeed
I've never heard of that error message before. My best guess is that some of the data in the row is of an unusual type that cannot be serialized, but that's just a guess. What are the DataTypes of the columns in the grid?
sanjiv_aneja said:One more question: If we copy paste the ultragrid row will it automatically update the binded object.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. If you add a row to the grid or change the data in a row, it will update the grid's DataSource, of course. It doesn't matter if you paste or type.
Hi Guys - any updates on this issue?
I ran into it this morning for the first time. Also the first time using multiple bands.Two datatables in a dataset with one relationship (ie: dt1.col("x") = dt2.col("x")) using nothing but strings
The odd thing is that I only get this error msg the first time I attempt to copy - and the copy *does* work... Any additional copy works just fine and without error msg.
I'm using 8.2.20082.1000
* Update * Built the application and setup project in release mode and installed it. No error msg when tested... Went back to IDE, ran it, no error msg.... switched back to debug mode in IDE, ran it, no error msg...This doesn't appear to be a problem for me anymore, but very curious nonetheless...