Hello all.
I have trouble with Maxlenght and MaxValue. It's work when you type but not work when you paste from Contextmenu or press Ctrl+V.
Example: When you set MaxValue = 1.000 you can not type (from keyboard) more than 1.000. But you can paste any value you want (ex: 3000). In this case, you will have a error message "Unable to update the data value. Input value dose not satisfy maximum value constraint".
Anybody help me solve this problem, or provide a solution.
Thank you
I tried that way. But when you paste invalid value (exceed maxlenght) value change event not fire.
What if you manually constrained the maxlength/maxvalue in the control's value changed event? I know that may not be the most desired method, but at least it would be a working solution from the customer's point of view.
My Customer don't want update to new version.
Have you got any way to solve this problem.
Thank you.
Okay, it looks like you are using the release build of v7.2. You probably just need to get the latest service release.
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Acctually, This is error message in my system with DB. In your simple example, you won't see that. But problem still there.
I created a simple example, with only one UltraCurrencyTextEditor and max value is 1000. But you can paste a value greater than 1000 into this. In this case, you can leave forcus out this control.
Version, I'm using is 7.2.20072.61
Step to reproduce:
1. Create Winform with one UltraCurrencyEditor
this.customUltraCurrecy1.MaskDisplayMode = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinMaskedEdit.MaskMode.IncludeLiterals; this.customUltraCurrecy1.MaskInput = "{currency:-10.0}"; this.customUltraCurrecy1.MaxValue = new decimal(new int[] { 1000, 0, 0, 0}); this.customUltraCurrecy1.MinValue = new decimal(new int[] { 1000, 0, 0, -2147483648});
One TextBox with default property
Run this form.
2. Open NotePad, type 30000 and copy this value
3. Paste this value into UltraCurrencyEditor
Expect: Can not paste this value
Actual: Value's pasted in to UltraCurrencyEditor and user can leave focus to TextBox.