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Ultragrid - mouse wheel event bubbles up to parent container


I have a grid on a container form that has its scrollbar displayed.
If I click on the grid to set the focus on one row and then start scrolling with the mouse wheel, the parent container also scrolls.

I tried listening to the MouseWheel event to set the e.Handled = true but it did not fix the problem.

void ultraGrid1_MouseWheel(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)

HandledMouseEventArgs handledArgs = e as HandledMouseEventArgs;
if (handledArgs != null)
    handledArgs.Handled = true;

What am I missing?


  • 469350
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hi Annie,

    What version of the grid are you using? This sounds like it might be an old bug that was fixed a long time ago. Are you using the latest service release?

    If you are already using the latest service release or it does not help, then it sounds like this might be a bug.

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