i have 3 groups in the ultraexplorerbar and when i leave group1, i want that group2 should be focused and here i will manage it with kepress event either i want to expand it or not.
Asad Naeem
To "set focus" to a group header use:
this.ultraExplorerBar1.ActiveGroup = group2;
Thanks for the reply. infact i want to activate the group header using tab key. if i use leave event and i click in any other place the next will be active which is also wrong. bcoz this line
will always execute whenever leave event will fire.
I'm not sure if I understood your last post. By default, the control navigates across group headers when the Tab key is pressed, although it also tabs into the item area. You can remove the keyboard actions that cause this, and add mappings that only navigate through the group headers instead if you like; the following code sample demonstrates this:
UltraExplorerBarKeyActionMappingsCollection keyMappings = this.explorerBar.KeyActionMappings; for ( int i = keyMappings.Count - 1; i >= 0; i -- ) { UltraExplorerBarKeyActionMapping keyMapping = keyMappings; if ( keyMapping.KeyCode == Keys.Tab ) keyMappings.Remove( keyMapping ); }
UltraExplorerBarKeyActionMapping keyMappingNext = new UltraExplorerBarKeyActionMapping( Keys.Tab, UltraExplorerBarAction.ActivateNextGroup, 0, UltraExplorerBarStates.ActiveGroupExists, SpecialKeys.All, 0);
UltraExplorerBarKeyActionMapping keyMappingPrev = new UltraExplorerBarKeyActionMapping( Keys.Tab, UltraExplorerBarAction.ActivatePreviousGroup, 0, UltraExplorerBarStates.ActiveGroupExists, SpecialKeys.AltCtrl, SpecialKeys.Shift);
keyMappings.Add( keyMappingNext ); keyMappings.Add( keyMappingPrev ); this.explorerBar.AcceptsFocus = DefaultableBoolean.True;