When the user puts in a badly formatted date, the UltraCalendarCombo automatically reverts to the last valid date. But I want to override this behavior and possible put a message in there or a date that's different that what the control reverts it to.
Is this possible?
Yes; handle the ValidationError event
... that is not really helpfull. I am handling that event, i just don't see what I should do...
I'm checking the e.ErrorValue whith my own dateclass and that is setting the e.NewValue to the rigth value - works perfect.
But if my class is rejecting the e.ErrorValue it because the user entered something illegal I'm showing a messagebox and I want the errorvalue to stay in the screen with the focus still on it. There is no e.cancel I can set; Setting the e.NewValue=e.Errorvalue gives an exception; and when I do nothing the control is reverting to the last good value-what I don't want...
Sorry, I was mistaken, apparently you can't use that event to retain focus when the user enters a bad date. If you like you can submit a feature request for a 'RetainFocus' property to be added to the event args, or something along those lines.
Any about the fix ?
I've the same request. I override OnValidationError in order to show a message when the value is badly formatted but the focus should remain into the Calendar control.