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Tables/Collections & ColumnSets

I need a tree that will go 4 node levels deep, i.e. Root-Child1-Child2-Child3. In some cases it will go only down 3 node levels.

For Root and Child1 I will need just a node label.

For Child2 I will need 5 labels of type: Icon1, Label, Icon2, Icon3 and Icon4. I understand that a Columnset can do this.  Icon1 will be the node icon, icons 2, 3 and 4, are items that will indicate the type of data available for that node.

I want to do lazy loading since my warehouse contains 30 million records of different domains (types).

The system receives data in custom business objects that support IList, Collections, etc

Do I load the data directly into the tree or should I load data into tables first, so to be able to use the column sets more effectively and to use the relationships functionality? Is there a performance difference between using tables and using custom collections?

The example for loading on demand would probably work but it also uses tables but it doesn’t use the columnset_generated event.  Can they be used together?

Do I need to use tables to be able to use the columnset_generated event?

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