I'm trying to find the coordinates to the clicked cell with respect to the screen -- FYI, I am working off a dual monitor, so I expect that location size to consider that fact. t hankx
If you just want to use the MouseDown event, you could do something like:
private void ultraGrid1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e){ Point locationInScreenCoordinates = this.ultraGrid1.PointToScreen(e.Location); MessageBox.Show(locationInScreenCoordinates.ToString());}
If you have 8.3 or higher, there is a ClickCell event you can use, then get the UIElement from the cell:
private void ultraGrid1_ClickCell(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ClickCellEventArgs e){ UIElement element = e.Cell.GetUIElement(); Point locationInScreenCoordinates = this.ultraGrid1.PointToScreen(element.Rect.Location); MessageBox.Show(locationInScreenCoordinates.ToString());}