Hi, i don't know how to make a cell ReadOnly, i want to have all a Row as readonly but one colum may be editable.I'm programming in C# .NEt 2008 and using an ultragrid, i like to have all columns except one in mode readonly.
HOWTO:How can I make a grid or a column, row, or cell in the UltraWinGrid disabled or read-only?
Link Broken: Could this link above be re-shown? I see it in quite a few places, but it is broken.
Hi Brandon,
I'm not sure what you mean by "the list object in a cell collection format".
row.Cells[0] will return an UltraGridCell object. There's no way it could ever return anything else. That's the return type of the property.
Also, you are responding to a thread that is 4 years old, so I'm not even sure which part of this thread you are referring to.
I'm trying what you are saying and definitely not getting the results I expect. row[0].cells gives me the list object in a cell collection format and I can't change the activation on that to alter the editability on the grid.
private void ultraGrid1_InitializeLayout(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeLayoutEventArgs e) { UltraGridLayout layout = e.Layout; UltraGridOverride ov = layout.Override; ov.SelectTypeCell = SelectType.None; ov.SelectTypeRow = SelectType.Extended; ov.CellClickAction = CellClickAction.RowSelect; }
And now that I can't edit anything in the cells, I am also interested at allowing only rows to be selected, rather than single cells, since it looks weird. Do anyone knows how to select rows rather than cells ?
Thanks for you help. Your suggestion was correct, I have put my code into the Initialize method and it was overwritten afterwards. Now I invoke it after the grid is initialized and it works fine :).
Once again Thank you.