I would like to setup the rows of my grid to match the size of the content.Could you advise about the proper way to do it?
I tried in the InitializeLayout event to do:e.Layout.Override.CellMultiLine = DefaultableBoolean.Truee.Layout.Override.Override.RowSizing = RowSizing.AutoFixed
I'm replacing a text editor that did contain history (a date and what occured at this date) by a grid containing a row per history item (date column + content column). I would like to see all the content of the cells in edit/view mode without scrolling inside the cell (but of course, user will need to scroll inside the grid). I would need little height for empty rows.
Hi Gilles,
There's no easy way to do this. You could try to work it out by getting the Height of a row and mulitplying it by the number of rows. But you will need to acccount for the column headers, horizontal scrollbar, borders, and the potential overlapping of the rows.