I have Wingrid and have added a UltraComboEditor is one of the cells. I need to display the line patterns in dropdown for which the following code is workin fin
For Each de As DictionaryEntry In supportedLineStyles
Dim lineStyleKeyValue As DictionaryEntry = CType(de.Value, DictionaryEntry)
infraItem =
infraItem.DisplayText =
infraItem.DataValue =
App =
App.Image = GetImage(
(lineStyleKeyValue.Key.ToString, LineStyles))
1: ucmbShape.text = selectedItem And when I do mouse over a tooltip appears, Is there any way to hide the tooltip.
2: In the dropdown, the images size is reduced and a grey background is visible (refer to GreyBackground)
However if i add the same control with same code directly on WinForms, it works fine.
Why does the same control behave in different manner?
I am just checking about the progress of this issue. Let me know If you need my further assistance on this issue?
Thank you for using Infragistics Components.
Hello ,
I am not exactly sure what is the data in your UltraComboEditor, but if you are set an Pen objects as data of the items, then you could use Draw filter in order to display the a line for the specific pen. I have implement this suggestion in a small sample. I hope this help.
Please let me know if you have any further questions or I am missing something.
Developer Support Engineer