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Button in every cell of a Grid column.

Hi !

We have a req'ment to display import file names in Col 1 of a Grid (WinGrid, UltraGrid, ??).

Col 2 of that grid is to contain, repeated in every cell of that column, a button labeled "Load".

 I have so far been able to accomplish this by setting the Style property to "Button", but at

runtime the button appears/disappears with focus in that row, we'd like the buttons labelled

"Load" to be static, always visible.

How best to accomplish Buttons in every cell of a column ? UltraButton ? or ??

I have had more success with checkboxes and selecting UltraCheckBox1 for the EditorControl

property, but this doesn't appear to be the solution for Command Buttons. How is

this best accomplished for Command Buttons in the cells of a grid ?

Thank you,