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Property of Padding missing from UltraPanel...

Begin Rant:

At first, I welcomed the UltraPanel when it showed up in the 9.1 release. But now, I must admit... I might as well keep using UltraGroupBox as a panel. I wanted a container control like the MS Panel, but with the AppStyling feature/property I desire and get with the Infragistics controls. But why would you leave out a basic property of a MS Panel, Padding?

To get content padding and AppStyling together, I still must use the UltraGroupBox and set the BorderStyle of None and clear the Text property. It sure would be nice if Padding showed up as a property of the UltraPanel, rather than being forced to use a control to act like another.

What's the chance of this happening or is this maybe already "fixed" in the 7-28-09 service release?

End Rant: