I'm sorry to say the help file installed within the setup file(eg. win client 2009) is too bad. The explanations in it are almost useless.
For example, I want to know how to set format string for a chart axis. I press F1 on ItemFormatString, the help file just tells me:
Public Property ItemFormatString As String
public string ItemFormatString {get; set;}
This property specifies a custom format for item labels. The ItemFormat property can be used to select a pre-defined format. If this property is set, the ItemFormat property will be set to Custom.
To learn how to work with just about any kind of labels in WinChart, you can check out these topics found in the Developer's Guide section of the help:
Your specific answer is found in the following topic: Label Formatting:
The Developer's Guide section is filled with step by step tutorials and code examples that should help answer many questions.
Hello Tom,
Your link goes directly to the Chart Label as would be expected from the thread. Where is the high level link that would allow you to get that type of information for any control? Thanks in advance for any ideas and/or suggestions!
Check out this blog that describes where you can get the "walk through" and tutorial based help topics in our help system:
Basically, the "Controls" section is where you will spend time in reading through the different topics to learn how to work with them and implement their functionality.
Thanks, very helpful!